10 Resolutions That You Might Actually Keep

Friday, January 1, 2016

First of all, let me start by wishing you all a very Happy New Year!! It's a fresh start to a new year, a time for new beginnings, bettering yourself, and reflecting on what you'd like this year to be like. And if you're anything like me, you've probably broke at least one of your new year resolutions already...and it's day one. Yikes...

I am terrible when it comes to resolutions. Terrible. I have great intentions, but my follow through could use a whole bunch some work. Raise your hand if you make a list of things to accomplish, do great for a little while, then end up loosing the list, forgetting about all the great and wonderful things you planned to do, and then later, and I mean months later, finding that sad list with maybe one thing that can be crossed off...*raises hand*

This year I plan to do something a little different. My resolutions are going to be a little more meaningful. I always get a little bummed when I look back at my past lists and think of everything I didn't do, and everything I didn't stick with. Life is too short to feel bad about yourself. I am hoping I will be able to keep this list a lot easier.

So how about making resolutions that will benefit yourself and others? Resolutions that you might actually keep.

1. Get Rid Of Your Bad Habits: This can be anything, and everyone has different bad habits. Letting your dishes pile up, making excuses, always running late, not being able to tell people no, eating too much fast food, not being organized, gossiping, not showering daily, not drinking enough water, smoking, biting your nails, overspending, chewing with you mouth open, using credit cards, staying up too late, wasting time online, not getting enough sleep, this list could go on and on. If you feel like a habit is hindering you, try to stop it. Make a change and you will be so glad you did. Even if you just get rid of one bad habit, it's totally worth it!

2. Stop Procrastinating: I know, I know, but hear me out. Do the hardest, most dreaded and unpleasant task first, as soon as you get up, as soon as you get to work, as soon as you can. Get it out of the way first thing, so that the rest of the day you aren't worrying about it and dreading it. This really works, my day goes so much smoother if I get the tough stuff out of the way first. Whether it be that tough conversation you need to have with someone, finishing that report that needed done yesterday, or cleaning that messy kitchen, just knock that hard thing off the list first thing, and your day will improve.

3. Be Kind and Happy: Smile more. Compliment a stranger. Hold the door open for people. Say please and thank you. Use your manners. Speak sweetly. Put the needs of others before yourself. Expect nothing in return. Buy someones coffee behind you in line. Send someone flowers. Be a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. Make someone laugh. Visit those who are sick and unable o leave the house. Donate to local charities. Be positive and optimistic. Try to be a good example. Help a complete stranger in need. Do something that you love. Be compassionate. Be someones angel. These things don't ever go out of style.
4. Try Something New: Sometimes it's terrifying to step out of your comfort zone, but most of the time it's so worth it. Take that challenging yoga class. Introduce yourself to that guy with the gorgeous eyes at the coffee bistro. Apply for your dream job. Grow a beard, maybe don't try that if you're a lady haha! Take a road you've never been down before. Don't check social media for a day. Volunteer. Go to an open mic night. Try that crazy new recipe with ingredients you haven't heard of before. If it doesn't work out, so what, at least you tried, good for you! As long as it isn't harmful, go for it!

5.  Never Stop Learning: It's important to keep your mind active, at least that's what my grandma always said, and she was one of the greatest, smartest people I've ever known. Learn a new language. Learn how to build something. Explore the world, and go somewhere you've never been before. Learn how to plan an instrument. Learn to cook something really well. Learn to sew. Learn a new hairstyle. Read more and study. Learn how to change flat tire. Learn how to properly fold a fitted sheet, yes it totally can be done!

6. Let It Go: Are you holding a grudge? Are you upset with someone, even if it is yourself? Forgiveness is so rewarding, you deserve peace. I know that it's easier said than done, but if you work at it, forgiveness can come easier than you think. Let go of the anger, disappointment, and pain that someone caused you. Forgiveness is such a beautiful thing. Allowing yourself to be happy again is a service to yourself, and you deserve to be happy. And if you have wronged someone, apologize, take the first steps to reconcile.
7.  Slow Down: Seriously, I'm talking to you. Stop rushing through life. Enjoy the little things. Take time to appreciate the blessings you've received. Enjoy this life and everything you have. Take time to call your mom and ask how her day was. Send grandma a handwritten letter and tell her you love her. Take a few minutes out of your morning to really thank God for another day. Take a deep breath and relax, find some time for you.

8. Spend More Time Outside: Soak up a little more sun. Breathe in a little more fresh air. Have fun getting your hands dirty. Enjoy watching things grow and thrive. Listen to the birds sing. Play tag with your kids. Swing as high as you can on that swing. Go on a nature walk and take you camera with you. Go outside and have a picnic. Sit on that comfy patio swing and watch the sun go down. I know I spend way too much time indoors and this year I plan on changing that.
9. Accept Your Flaws: This might be a hard one for some but it is an important one. Appreciate those freckles, that means you've spent countless hours playing in the sun. Love those scars, that were made by learning to ride your bike, climbing trees, and racing down the street with your friends. And those stretch marks, those are just reminders of that miraculous life that you carried inside you, your body is amazing! Don't forget about those laugh lines, these are proof that you have smiled a lot, laughed even more, and have enjoyed your life! Even if you aren't in the best of health, be grateful that you're still alive. Honestly you are your own worst critic. No one notices if your nose it a little crooked, your hair is thin, or one eye is a little bigger than the other, *raises hand* This is the way you were created, and you are beautiful, just the way you are. Thanks Bruno Marz :)

10. Spend Time With People You Love: This one might just be the most important one on my list. I love spending time with my husband, family, and friends, they are truly the joy of my life. Sometimes though, it's easy for me to make excuses, but this year I'm really going to try harder. I usually over think things and get anxious before a get-together, but after it's over, I am always so happy it did it, and I think 'it wasn't that bad, why did I get to nervous?' Have people over for dinner. Have a big sleepover with your nieces and nephews. Have brunch with your sisters. Host a game night. Meet up for lunch with your friends that you don't get to see as often as you'd like. Surprise your husband with a fun date night. Meet your dad for coffee. There are so many little things you can do that hardly take any time or effort and the reward is so great. This quote is by Zig Ziglar, it broke my heart, and is the reason I am going to take this more seriously.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Best of luck to you and whatever you plan on accomplishing this year! Hopefully these are things that I can stick with and help better myself and those around me. Have a blessed and successful new year!


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