Photography Sneak Peek ~ Hazel Grace 1 Year

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

One year ago our lives were forever changed.

A sweet little angel that our family had all hoped and prayed for, arrived and stole our hearts in an instant. She is so special to us. The day she was born she made someone a mom, a dad, a grandpa, a great grandma, an uncle, and an aunt, all for the very first time.

Hazel is seriously the light of of lives. She is such a sweet and happy baby. She has one little tooth, is crawling everywhere and standing up to everything, she blows kisses, waves, played peek-a-boo, loves to FaceTime on daddy's phone, and she gives the best hugs and kisses <3

I have enjoyed the last 12 months so much! Taking her pictures and watching her grow up before my eyes, these are moment I will never forget.

This Friday she will officially be one year old. Her mom has been crafting, baking, and making everything perfect for her big day. I can't wait to celebrate her first year <3

Happy birthday sweet girl, Auntie loves you to pieces and more than you could ever know <3

Here's a fun little sneak peek of her orchard birthday session...
Thank you so much for all of your support, it really means the world to me <3 Have a sweet and happy day :)


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