Photography Sneak Peek ~ Corra Jaye 18 Months

Thursday, April 13, 2017

My sweet little cousin Corra Jaye is back on my blog today. She is 18 months old and is so much fun! She showed off her little teeth, made some fun animal sounds, and ate plenty of candy during the shoot.

We went out to where I grew up and took some photos in the blooming orchards. I just love this time of year <3

Corra was more patient than any little kid that I know of. I told Hannah that she was doing better than I was lol. Sometimes the weather cooperates and the lighting couldn't be better and sometimes you just have to roll with it...a little wind and sun never hurt anyone, right? ;)

Here's a few of my favorites...
Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope your day is wonderful :)

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