Photography Sneak Peek ~ Garret's Senior Pictures

Thursday, October 19, 2017

One of my favorite parks in Boise is bursting in full autumn color right now. Everywhere you look there is a beautiful spot for a picture. I was just one of many photographers there last evening for that very reason.

I took a handsome young mans senior portraits and he was so easy going, polite, and photogenic, he really made my job too easy.

Garret is another one of my cousins and I can hardly believe he will be graduating next year. He is the president of his FFA chapter, and to my surprise, he also rides a long board. I love when my seniors have fun props!

We also snapped a few family pictures too, because really, who can resist that fall color?

Here's a few of my favorites...
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you have a sweet and happy day <3


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