2018 Cleaning & Organizing Challenge Week 5 ~ Toys

Monday, February 5, 2018

How are you doing with the challenge so far? Hopefully you are making some room, and sprucing up your house! If not, this weeks challenge is sure to do that.

This week I'd like you to go through the toys and games. Yikes, I know, the holidays are over and your house and kids' rooms are probably bursting at the seams. Dig out those toy boxes, and wipe them down. Clean out the closets, and under the beds and couches. Toys seem to migrate from bedrooms and end up everywhere!
Week 5 Challenge: Toys
As you know, I don't have children, but I still have a few toys for those who come to visit me.
I have watched tons of cleaning/organizational videos of people who do. One of my favorite ways to see kids rooms get clean and organized is when the kids help and are involved.

Now for the most part you will be doing the "heavy lifting", but involve them somehow. Maybe explain to them the importance of giving to those less fortunate, and the lesson of being charitable.  Sharing is something that is so important, and can be taught at a pretty young age. There are so many kids out there who don't have much and they would love and appreciate something that maybe your child doesn't play with anymore.

Give them a box or a bag and have them fill it up with those toys. You might be surprised at what your kids are willing to part with. Children are naturally kind, sweet, giving spirits <3

Obviously you have the finally say on what goes out the door, but it's such a great way to get your kids involved.

Another thing that I've seen is to have your children sort through their toys and sell the things they don't play with anymore. Then with the money they have earned they can go out and buy something that they've had their eye on and have really wanted. It's another valuable lesson on teaching kids about money, the value of it, having to work for it, and maybe giving up something now for something better later on.
Discard anything that is broken, missing pieces, from a happy meal haha, or is not in good enough condition to be donated. Donate/Sell anything that your kids don't play with, you're tired of stepping on, or duplicates. Libraries and preschools are always happy to receive gently used toys and books. Keep anything that is loved, used, and played with.

Wash all of the toys. You should do that fairly often anyways, especial baby toys that are constantly being handled and put in mouths, but if you're not, now a great time to start. Spot clean those that cannot be put in the washing machine/dishwasher, or submerged into water. *Tip: You can use lingerie bag for small items like legos to keep them all together while in the washer! I use vinegar water with a drop of bleach when washing my toys.

I know I've shown you these baskets from Target before, but they are my favorite way to organize things. Toys included!
Organize all of your games and puzzles. Make sure all of the pieces are there. Throw away paper and trash, seriously where does all of that come from?! Discard. Donate/Sell. Keep you most used and favorites.
*Bonus cleaning for this week. Deep clean the kids rooms. Now that their clothes, shoes, toys, games and puzzles have been organized, it's time to deep clean. Wash all of the bedding, curtains, and rugs. Vacuum under the beds and in the closets. Wipe down the furniture, walls, light fixtures, switch plates, baseboards, trim, knobs and doors.

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you have a sweet and organized day ;)

1 comment:

  1. Everything you mentioned I desperately need to do!!!!! Especially organize!


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