2016 Clean Home & Organizing Challenge Week 5 ~ Bathroom

Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 5~ This week we are going to be working in the bathroom. If you have more than one bathroom, just focus on the main bathroom that you use this week. So far we've completed the kitchen and eating areas of our homes. Here's a link to last weeks post.

This week we are focusing on decluttering and organizing. So all of those drawers and cabinets are going to get cleaned out and wiped down. All of those hair products, nail polish, and makeup will be gone through as well.
If you're just joining in, please read last week post here, where we decluttered and cleaned the eating areas of our homes. You can very easily catch up if you want to. Fifteen minutes a day is pretty manageable and when you set a timer and put a little "pressure" on yourself, you can get a lot done! We're still using #2016HowJenDoesItChallenge on Instagram, if you want to see every ones progress.
You can check out this weeks video from Jen, from HowJenDoesIt, here. For the next several weeks there will be a new challenge and video from Jen for different areas of the home. This seems extremely do-able. We can do it!!
  • Monday ~ Declutter and clean off the countertops. If you have a bunch of extra stuff sitting around now is a good time to go through it. You want the area where you get ready to be beautiful and nice. It will actually help you get ready faster is you aren't trying to work around a bunch of clutter on your countertops. Also take a few minuets and declutter your shower. Get rid of anything that you don't really like or use and simplify. Maybe try limiting yourself to just a couple different shampoos and conditioners and use them up before you bring more into the shower.
  • Tuesday ~ Declutter and clean bathroom drawers. If you keep your makeup in a drawer, skip that for today, were going to get to that another day this week. Now's a great time to make a little extra room for the things that you didn't need out on your counters. I like to take everything out of the drawers and basket organizers and really decide if I like and use the products. If I don't, out they go. Make sure to check expirations dates as well. Wipe out the drawers and baskets, and then organize everything as you put it back into your clean drawers.
  • Wednesday ~ Declutter and clean bathroom cabinets. Once again take everything out and get rid of anything that you're not using or that you don't like anymore. Wipe out the cabinets and baskets, and put everything back. 
  • Thursday ~ Makeup. Depending on the person, this could take a couple minutes or the whole 15. Just like everything else decide what you love and get rid of the rest. If you know you don't love a shade of eyeshadow or lipgloss and you're not ever going to wear it again, get rid of it. Same goes with skin care products. If they irritate your skin, get rid of them. Declutter and wipe out any areas where your makeup is stored. I also like to wipe off all the makeup bottles before I put them back into the drawers. Also take a little extra time and clean your make up brushes.
  • Friday ~ Nail polish. If you don't have a bunch of polish, this will only take a minute or two. Get rid of any old polish and just keep the colors that you know you love. I store mine in a basket in my cabinet. So I just wash it out and put the polish back. If you have extra time finish any decluttering that you didn't get to earlier in the week. If you have a linen closet in the bathroom, now a great time to go through it, declutter, wipe it down and re-organize. Or get started on another bathroom if you have one.
That's it! She wants this to be quick so it's not overwhelming. If you need more than 15 minutes in an area, then of course take the extra time.

I am excited to continue this! Let me know if you plan on trying this too. 

Happy cleaning and thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Even though I did my big purge last year, I can always find more stuff to get rid of!


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